Vitamin C, known scientifically as ascorbic acid, is a critical nutrient involved in many body functions. It becomes popularly known for its antioxidant nature, the participation in enhancing the …
Lontong Sayur Medan adalah salah satu hidangan khas Sumatera Utara yang telah menjadi warisan budaya kuliner Indonesia. Asal usulnya dapat ditelusuri ke budaya Melayu dan Batak yang kaya akan …
Greece is the one of the most iconic coastal vacation destinations in Europe, and it has more to offer the travelers that the remarkable ancient history, beautiful islands and …
The papadam, also known as poppadom, papad, or appalam in various Indian liographies, is a thin, crisp, disc-shaped food popular in the Indian subcontinent. Papada is made from lentil, …
Pound Cake Pound Cake, atau kue pound, adalah salah satu resep kue tertua yang masih populer hingga saat ini. Asal-usulnya dapat dilacak kembali ke Eropa abad ke-18, di mana …